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Meditation for Mothers: Reset and Recharge with günamüna

This blog was written for

Keywords are in BLUE.

Sweatpants recommended. A version of your birthday suit is always supported. This is YOU time, momma. Actually, legend and superhero, are equally accurate titles. Forget you have a baby. We are really serious about how much you deserve just YOU time. Meditation for mothers.  Your guna love it!

Mindfulness & Meditation for Moms

Mindfulness: A skill developed through meditation that helps you bring calm (remember that?!) and empathic in-the-moment thoughtfulness to your body, mind, and soul.

Amid a tidal wave of raging hormones, baby screams, and messes everywhere you look—meditation can help you float above it all. The waters may be rough right now, but you can choose to surf the waves like a mother (censored).

You don’t need to get lost in the forest or even burn sage. Meditation for busy moms can happen anywhere and everywhere—yep, just like diaper blowouts. Meditation helps you get through the poo that life chucks at you. 

Guided meditations for moms are what we passionately provide, but meditation (and you) is limitless! One form of meditation that günamüna moms are loving is: grounding. It connects you to the mother of us all—wise ole momma nature. Simply get your feet naked, go outside, and curl your toes in the ground. Just think about connecting to the earth and let other thoughts be carried off by the wind. 

5 Benefits You Can Gain From a Mom Meditation Session

  1. Be a world changer. We know that a happy mom = a happy baby—which is what actually makes a happy world (at least your world).

  2. Show anxiety the door. Anxiety isn’t you. It’s just passing through your body—your temple. Mediation for moms can help boot it out and utilize your energy for positive actions.

  3. Do magic. Reversing negative thoughts about your mothering into uplifting and loving truths is nothing short of magic. 

  4. Just be. No cleaning week-old food off the ceiling while leading a work call to shatter a glass ceiling, no multitasking feeding and laundry on top of managing finances in the same second. Meditation is single-tasking. Actually, it’s not evening any type of “tasking”—just being. 

  5. Get the goods. It honestly helps you cultivate that “inner peace and zen” stuff people swear by. 

Relax and Reset with günamüna’s 10 Minute Weekly Meditation for Moms

The secret is out: we are actually a “make sure mom is taken care of” company disguised as easy diaper-changing and dreamy sleep for your baby clothing company. This is why we hired the legendary Jackie Frederick-Berner to help you experience the joy, compassion, and mindfulness that guided meditation for moms can deliver. All you need to do is show up and slow down. 

It’s literally 10 minutes long. That’s it. Even on your wildest days, you can carve out 10 minutes for YOU. Breathe and believe in yourself.

We also get that you may be running on BST (baby standard time), so you can watch a recorded meditation for busy moms session or join your günamüna girlfriends every Wednesday:

Live better & Sleep Better with günamüna. We'll handle the night shift.

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