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6 Ladies' Night Ideas To Try This Weekend

This blog was written for the Little Ruth book series.

and just like that, this mom recharged and felt alive again!

Momma—you need a break from diapers, spreadsheets, soccer games, grocery shopping, clocking in, and standing on your feet all day. This is why ladies' night should be a mandatory medical protocol for all. Playing with your friends—just like you encourage your kids to—is essential for everyone’s well-being. You will leave being a good role model to your family (showing friend time is critical for emotional wellness) and come home rejuvenated for another day of mommyhood.

Ladies' night can look however you want—and need. It could be getting glammed up and loving cocktails at the hot new spot, laughing the night away. It could also root itself into ladies’ hiking in Mother Nature. However you package it, make time for untamed, kid and partner-free fun.

Below are some Ladies’ Night themes that the crew at Little Ruth love—and so will you.

Craft and Crass

This isn’t some dull, polite craft night. Oh, far from it—everything goes! That includes what you sip, say, and make! Lose your filter, laugh your buns off, and have a crafty and crass-y night.

Flow Into Sisterhood the Devine Feminine

Shifting gears into exploring all parents of you—body, mind, soul, and sisterhood. These slowing down experiences could include yoga, dancing, meditation, tea ceremonies, making flower crowns, sound baths, rituals, sharing of affirmations, burning ceremonies (writing down what you want to let go and physically burning it), herbal foot soaks, vision board creation, and talking—we mean really talking—about all of your life. In our busy and disconnected world, slowing down and rooting into connection with yourself and sisterhood is essential for whole-self wellness.

Glam Up and Go Out

Get ready with your girlfriends like you used to, and hit the town! Simply swapping work and home clothes for party attire can make you feel sexy and vibrant, which boosts your serotonin (happiness hormone and neurotransmitter). Dance wildly and karaoke boldly. Immerse yourself in a theater performance or concert. Go big with your girls, and then go home ready to take on life’s roadblocks.

Vision Boards and Cheese Boards

Momma, you have big dreams and bigger goals. Tangibly committing them to a vision board and looking at it daily will train your subconscious to make them happen IRL. The core of ladies’ night is to support and uplift each other. So what better thing to do than share your goals and cheese board creations? Wins all around!


Step into momma nature for ladies’ morning, afternoon, or sunset excursions! Fresh air and a good sweat do wonders for your mental health—especially when you are with girlfriends. Hike, swim in a lake or pool, bike, picnic, ski, walk through a park—push each other to new heights (metaphorically and physically).

Fire Up

Light up a backyard bonfire, roast s'mores, gaze at the stars, and enjoy a night of stories and support. Since the beginning, our ancestors gathered around fires to share stories, tales, songs, and, most importantly, connection. It's part of your DNA to do the same. Provide blankets, chairs, snacks, musical instruments, and sips. Embrace a night of connecting with your roots, girls, and the mythical powers of fire.

You weren’t created just to work and drive kids around town—even though both can be very rewarding! Ladies’ nights and deep friendships are even more important than ever before. Cherish each moment. Prioritize friendships like they are medicine. Crave out fun times for yourself and tribe. In the end, you will look back and realize it’s what got you through the waves of life.

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